Can you guess what it is?

Don't know? How about if I take the view from the top?

Clearer now? Or still don't know? OK, let me give you an even clearer picture.

Now you got it? Yes, it's the linga-yoni symbol which I found in many places in Cambodia, even in the ruins of Angkor Thom.

The linga is shaped like the male sexual organ while the yoni is the female genitalia. However, before you start thinking dirty thoughts, this object is actually considered sacred by the Hindus.
I shall not attempt to explain more as I am still new to this and I think the more I talk about it, the more wrong things I will end up saying. And the more corrupted your mind might become, if it is not already. Haha! So google it for more information or if you like, read more about linga HERE and yoni HERE.

The above photo showed linga separated from yoni.
I bought this linga-yoni sandstone (measuring about 3.5" in length and width and 5.5" in height) from the famous Artisans d'Angkor shop in Cambodia. Priced at USD29, you now know why I cannot give this away as souvenir or even as a prize in my blog's recent contest. I am not that rich OK?
It's currently displayed in my home together with other fine things.
I knew I was in trouble the other day when my mom asked me what exactly is this object. I just blurted out, "Oh, it's some kind of artistic sculpture from Cambodia."
Which is kind of true, don't you think? : )
err is dat look like male's organ?? *blurr*
okie whatever it is, will google it later. I m d FC! N it looks unique! wei u only bought that from Cambodia meh?? other stuffs leh?? *wink*
shucks....caroline the FC...hahaha...beat me pulak
by the way, how much u bought the sandstone water feature...looks nice ler
Haha....corrupted. Lucky u asked us to google ourself for more info. hehe
At first, I thought it is for making rice. Those olden days where people grounded their rice for rice water or whatever.
Btw, what is the usage? For deco only? Or for some health purposes?
I believe it is heavy. U got the shop to pack up nicely in a box? Lucky still in good shape. hehe
Interesting. I 'liked' it already...
Heavyweight Decocration
it looks like it could have added some to yr luggage allowance. looks nice though as a conversation piece in the home
how much you pay for checking the stone during your flight back?
USD29... cheap right?
Let me guess! Let me guess! It is a tombstone. :p
From the top it looks like a soya bean masher. ;p
No. I don't get it. So it is the linga-what-yoni? What's that? Is it very holy?
Really? They are shaped to look like our human reproductive organs? :p
Or...the Buddha consider it to be sacred? Why? I thing it is because of these 2 "stuffs" that we were born? :p shouldn't have separated Linga and Yoni. :p
Hahaha :D But if you ask me...I thing I will tell your mama it is used to grind soya. :p
aiyah..have to google about it ah.. lazy la.. can tell in layman's terms? :p
looks very unique. don't think can find in other places.
it's so unique!
caroline, yes linga is a male organ. I bought a few more stuffs from Cambodia but this one I like best! : )
vialentino, what water feature? This is just sandstone - no water feature. Haha! Bought it for USD29 : )
mNhL, making rice? I think I know what you are talking about! Haha!
What is the usage? Deco only lah, no health benefits! LOL!
The shop packed it nicely for me so it reached KL in good shape : )
khengsiong, thanks for "liking" it : )
isley chang, heavyweight? Haha, not really : )
bengbeng, yes it'll make a nice conversational piece in my home, but no it did not take up too much luggage allowance : )
lina, it's not that heavy so my luggage did not exceed the weight allowance. US29 is cheap?! Maybe for you lah since you go Japan every year! Haha!
tekkaus, tombstone? soyabean masher? Hahaha!!
You don't get it? Never mind, just go google it if you are interested. haha!
It's more of a Hindu thing than a Buddha thing btw : )
eric lee, yes you must get one if you ever go Cambodia! : )
reanaclaire, to make it easier for you and me, just google it or read from the links in my post : )
chrisau, I'm not sure, maybe you can find it in Vietnam or Bali where Hinduism is being practised : )
wenn, yes unique indeed! : )
errr what is this for? :D
lol ok will google it for more info!
Hmmmmm Male , Female i think i will google so i can get the "BIG" picture LOL.
monica, haha! It's for decor only, no other health or whatever benefits! LOL!
bill, thanks for dropping by! Yes go google it! : )
LOL no wonder la u need angpow in pounds or USD hahahah, spent 29 bucks on dis! :D
Dekorasi or what this one? I too wondering what is used for??
mariuca, haha! Hope Bill can give me the Xmas angpow! LOL!! Then can buy another linga-yoni! Haha!!
Yeah, just for decoration - no other purpose! LOL!
very interesting sandstone and it's truly one of a kind. :)
hahaha... I'm used to converting souvenirs to three times the price, so maybe that's why. LOL
mommy doesn't read your blog huh?
you can easily get away with it since it's a good looking and somehow monumental type sculpture
yeah lina, USD29 isn't that cheap! hahaha! you can get many stuffs with that price already =P
I thought grind soya bean one O.o
vialentino , mwahahaah!! try again next time! :P
Oh no, Foong. You hide something, haha
The Linga and Yoni are supposed to increase one's fertility!
LOL! Definitely very artistic indeed! :P but no, my mind didn't think of those organs until you mentioned it! :P
oic ok....thought it is like a water fountain...hahaha...not heavy when u bring back to msia?
Gosh! And I thought this looks more like a water feature or a grinding stone set or something similar.
I need to recalibrate my senses for I don't see any resemblance of any male nor female 'sensitive' parts. Oh well..
not really familiar with sandstone but its a good travel memento :)
I only bought a tee at Artisan. The stuff there are so expensive but the craftsmanship is really beautiful.
Wow, what a great idea. Well done.
Hello there,
Popped over to your blog from petaling street.
I would like to inform you that what you have is a very sacred statue in Hinduism, Shiva Lingam which means symbol of Shiva. (link at the bottom)
However, while one of the many representations of the lingam is the union of the male and female, that item has unfortunately thrown it into a very unpleasant light. From the strictly religion pov that is. I wonder why the makers made it as such. Its unfortunate, but it is what it is. If you see from the image link, the lingam is well defined without the need for artisan reinterpretation.
While I hope you enjoy it thoroughly, and you should, please dont let this be a re-imagining of the proper lingam.
River of Karma
Think the same like HappySurfer about grinding stone, thought you wanna put water and turn it into a fountain thingy haha..
Why so short post you skip to Guilin??
great choice of souvenir from cambodia...!!
alah, u shud try explaining to ur mom about yoni n linga lah... see her expression n then tell US :D
n u oso so bad, just as i was getting excited reading, u cut short n gave a link from google pulaks! potong stim :P
haha, given me i really will NOT buy this piece of art lor.. and somemore cost US$29!!
but Ghosty Nana is so interested in this, you should have bought a mini version for her mah~~
"However, before you start thinking dirty thoughts, this object is actually considered sacred by the Hindus."
Americans worship these also.
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