How To Prevent From Being Harassed In Siem Reap

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, August 5, 2011 | Published in


One thing that struck me during my trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia last year was the children and how they worked to get those US dollar bills off my wallet!

At most of the major temples that Jam, his friend and I visited, we were sort of 'ambushed' by children (young kids and teenagers) trying to sell us stuffs like postcards, books, drinks, scarves and souvenirs!

If there's one thing I could learn from them, it's their persistency. They just would not give up no matter how many times I said "No!"

There's one time a young girl approached me to sell something at the entrance to a temple. I could not even remember what it was cos I did not want to look at it! I told her "No, I am not interested" but she said she would wait for me there and maybe I would buy on my way out. So I said "OK, maybe."

That.....was my biggest mistake.

On my way out an hour or so later, she was there to greet me. I was like, what the .....?! I told her firmly "No, I don't want to buy". Guess what did she say to me?

These were her words and I remember them well. "I don't like you sir. You lie to me."

Frankly, I was stunned. Since when did I lie to her? I did not even promise to buy anything! She continued to follow me repeating those sentences and finally, I retorted "That's fine. I don't care!"

Luckily, she stopped following me after that. Phew!

After that incident, I learnt the only way to prevent these kids from harassing you is to ignore them in the first place. And I mean ignore completely. Ignore as in not looking at them at all, not even a glance. Don't even attempt to briefly scan through the things they are selling or you will not be able to escape their clutches!

And if they still ask you to buy despite you not looking at them at all, just give a firm "NO!" and quickly walk away, all the time looking ahead at the direction you are going.

Now I am not trying to paint a bad picture about the children in Siem Reap. I knew Cambodia is a poor country and the children may be forced to survive. Although, they should really be in school! Besides, I am not sure if the money they earn go into their pockets or to the adults who trained them!

In any case, it is still better to have the children sell something rather than just begging for money. But being too persistent when the customer had said "No" several times was a major turn off for me.

However, do not let this stop you from going to Cambodia and visit those amazing temples! It is still a beautiful country and a great holiday destination. My unpleasant experience with the girl who called me a liar was a rare event - I had mostly good experiences with the people of Cambodia.

More about the children of Cambodia and their selling technique in my next post - The Children Of Preah Khan!

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They are pretty annoying but still, they are forced by circumstances and I feel so sad for them.
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Maybe can give them sweets and biscuits next time.

My recent post Threadless
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
pity them also. I visited bali at kintami that want more worst. A bunch of kids among them is 12 kids trying to near n sell a lot stuffs.. sometimes hardly can breathe. As i walked into coach bus, they still knocking the bus window... begging me to buy... So pity with them.. but If i would buy 1.. I need to buy all 12 things from each kids.. That time I was teenager is like 14.. I'm telling myself i'm 100% more lucky than them. I understand your feelings.... Sad to see them like that! =)
My recent post Khalil Fong - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
in fact their sales strategies more geng than us... hahahahaha.. we also lose to them.... hahahaha :p
My recent post Khalil Fong - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
I didnt experience that when I was in Vietnam.. but i remember in Phon Phen.. yes.. but not that insistent.. anyway, i guess they have to be that to earn a living, unfortunately..
My recent post Snowflake In Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
:p :p :p
My recent post MM - Alone by Heart **
I think I'd get angry too if I were in your shoes or maybe annoyed is a better word... :p
My recent post Short Getaway & Shorter Hair!
So she waited for you to come out and then got angry when u didn't buy.. tsk tsk tsk... sometimes got no choice, u have to be cruel in order to be kind... mmg they are persistent yeah? B)
My recent post Blast From the Past - Sweet 17! *
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
If ever I do visit Cambodia, I will definitely ignore and buat dunno... better not to give them hope by keeping quiet and not saying anything... yeah pity them but pity us too if we were to get harassed! :$
My recent post Blast From the Past - Sweet 17! *
once in vietnam, when my friend said, sorry i dont have money to buy your souvenir. The little replied, 'You lie, You have money in your ATM.'
My recent post Non size S Single lady
Yeap they are poor, berry berry the poor that kind summore . . . sometimes no dinner or even breakfast . . . they should learn how to produce something that improve their own country and not to send kids to temple and sell something fishy.
My recent post X-Play Party at Opera, Sunway Pyramid
and also. Not to send slave to Malaysia too! It wont help at all! lol I start to Anti those people who keep on import labour workers from North and South Country of Malaysia into Malaysia. Waste of time and money and create trouble to let Malaysia Police have more extra work and rewards. LOL! :X

Shall not talk about it later I kena tangkap hehehe
My recent post X-Play Party at Opera, Sunway Pyramid
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
"You liar you promised to marry me on the way in and get ready for you and then you said NO..liar liar liar!!!!" Then how? hahaha Cari makan is susah bro and they have to do it their way to make a living. Noted your tips roll the eyes look fierce and say NO right in their face?
My recent post இ Gostan Parking
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Lucky they have not upgraded their tactics into stealing from tourists yet, who knows maybe in years to come when they discover a way. Was in Belgium once and my friend got 'conned' by 2 boys and 1 girl. Two kids would open up a tray full of souvenirs just above his waist pestering for sales and the 3rd went under the tray to steal his wallet from his pouch. Lucky he discovered early and gave chase and you know what? The best part the boy just return the wallet after been caught and walked steadily away like nothing has ever happened, so cool yeh..their territory mah. So its better not to wear pouch on the outside not safe at all. Always use those thin money pouch wear it from inside with the shirt outside hiding it.
My recent post இ Gostan Parking
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Things like this are becoming very common.. I also experienced the same in Bali, where some kids were trying to sell me souvenirs. One of them even went to the extent of following me to my MPV and climbing in the car as well! I was so stunned and kept saying no. Gosh! I guess we must really treat them like they're invisible or they won't leave us alone.
My recent post Posing & Expression with Amber Chia
oh, am i reading Panda Foong's blog?? how come there's only one photo in this post?? shocked!!! :D
My recent post 04.08.2011 | 創意無限
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
errr, i don't even remember all those kids trying to sell souvenirs.. or maybe i just didn't even care to look at them or maybe i just treated them as transparent..
My recent post 04.08.2011 | 創意無限
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
well, i think Cambodians are not as bad as the Indians.. wait till one day if you have the chance to go India, then you'd know how worse the situation will be..
My recent post 04.08.2011 | 創意無限
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
i will think the Cambodian kids are still less aggressive and cunning than the Indian kids, the Indians are more determined and may follow you for 10minutes and not one but many in a group.. errr, remember Slumdog Millionaire?? that's exactly the situation..
My recent post 04.08.2011 | 創意無限
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
as far as i know, really just few of them are genuine, most are just working for adults or syndicates.. because kids are more sympathised and may earn more money for them..
My recent post 04.08.2011 | 創意無限
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Christopher's avatar

Christopher · 712 weeks ago

what to do ..... poverty.... Im sure if got chance, they won't want to do it.
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Its like being torn into two sides. Wanting to help yet not wanting to be harrassed. Cannot help all the kids there also, right?
My recent post A Trip Back In Time
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
and are those kids working for syndicates? =/
My recent post A Trip Back In Time
Lucky this post isnt about Panda getting sexually harrased! LOL xD
My recent post A Trip Back In Time
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
SK, only 1 photo and short post from Panda some more! ;)
My recent post A Trip Back In Time
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago

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